Head and Foot Massage in Ajmer

Book on Phone : 9057125810

Head and Foot Massage

Head massages are a great way to relax, as they can help release the tension of the day. When giving a head massage, start with a few basics to relax the person, such as applying wet heat, adding oil, and detangling the person’s hair. Then you can move on to massaging the person’s head. A head massage is designed to improve the energy flow by massaging the head, neck, shoulders, upper body, and face.

The feet hold many energy points linked to almost every part of the body. They connect us to the earth, providing stability and grounding, and, quite literally, bear the weight of the day. A foot massage is a great way to show appreciation and offer daily relief to this very deserving part of your body.

Call : 9057125810

Head and Foot Massage in ajmer rajasthan